Why is this? The sun is located at one of the two in the shape of Earth's orbital path.? Is the brightness of a star compared to other stars called its magnitude.

Other vowels are represented by adaptations of the y consonant. All vowel signs are combining marks, and are stored after the base character. Trending Questions What is the size of the Milky way? What causes the greatest damage in an explosion? What does a lion represent? Why does Easter's date change? What is the distance in kilometers to a star that is 6.5 light years from earth? What is the angle of the celestial north pole above the horizon in Frankfurt Germany? Sun is to Basketball and Moon is to what? What are ing words for Summer? What physical law describes the manner in which the intensity of sunlight changes as the observer moves away from the sun? Most meteors that fall into the Earth's atmosphere burn up before reaching the ground. The Bangla orthography has 2 inherent vowels, and represents other vowels using 9 vowel signs, including 3 pre-base and 2 circumgraph vowel signs.